MASTERING THE HOLOGRAM | Using Mind, Emotion and Spirit to Heal and Transform with Joseph Selbie

Episode 17 December 03, 2024 01:33:58
MASTERING THE HOLOGRAM | Using Mind, Emotion and Spirit to  Heal and Transform with Joseph Selbie
MASTERING THE HOLOGRAM | Using Mind, Emotion and Spirit to Heal and Transform with Joseph Selbie

Dec 03 2024 | 01:33:58


Hosted By

Tarra Lee

Show Notes

We are honoured to welcome back Joseph Selbie, who has just released his new book, The Physics of Miraculous Healing.

Joseph explains how emotions and beliefs shape physical health, blending concepts from Einstein’s relativity, quantum mechanics and M-theory. He introduces the groundbreaking idea of the holographic universe, where our bodies and realities are projections of consciousness. This perspective brings new hope for healing - even in so-called incurable cases - supported by compelling clinical evidence and inspiring self-healing stories.

We delve into practical tools for transformation, including methods to shift deep-seated beliefs and connect with subtle energy. Joseph also unpacks the mysteries of reincarnation, the multidimensional nature of the soul and the interplay between local and non-local realities, offering insights into the eternal journey of self-realisation.

From the observer paradox in quantum physics to achieving spiritual mastery through alignment with divine flow, this episode challenges conventional understanding of healing and consciousness.

Join us as we explore the powerful intersection of science and spirituality, revealing the infinite potential to heal, grow, and connect with our higher selves.

For more insights, check out Joseph Selbie’s new book, The Physics of Miraculous Healing, which expands on these principles and explores the nature of healing in the context of modern physics and the mystics.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:10] Speaker A: Welcome to episode 17 Mastering the Hologram Using mind, emotion and spirit to heal and transform with Joseph Selby. I am very honored to welcome back Joseph, author and spiritual teacher who bridges the gap between science and spirituality. In his latest book the Physics of Miraculous Miraculous Healing. Joseph dives into self healing, higher consciousness and the transformational power of belief and intention. In this episode we uncover the connection between physics healing and how emotions and beliefs shape our physical health. We explore the impact of positive and negative emotional states, share inspiring self healing stories and discuss embracing higher frequencies through positivity and awareness. We also discuss why modern sciences approach to health may be outdated. The hope for healing even in the face of incurable diseases. What truly drives our health. We touch on the observer paradox and quantum weirdness. We discuss M Theory's holographic connection between non local and local realities. We speak about the holographic universe and its revolutionary take on the Big Bang theory. The body as a holographic projection and the power of our beliefs to shape our health. Tools to change deep beliefs and connections to our subtle body. The reincarnation, the soul's cycles and our ultimate goals. Viewing death as a frequency shift near death experiences. And we also talk about the subtle energy healing modalities. This conversation and Joseph's latest book has deeply changed me. Deeply changed my life and just the expansion and the empowerment that it has unlocked for me that I can deeply create my reality has been so. Has given me so much freedom and so I hope that you enjoy this episode have so many takeaways. I really want to encourage you to read this latest book and I'm going to be running a competition on Instagram. When you share the latest reel of this episode and also subscribe to Star Being and send me a screenshot you can get the chance to win two of my favorite books of his. And so I interviewed Joseph on the Yogyas, his other book which I love so this book and also the Physics of Miraculous Healing. So I would love to get this book out there and it's such incredible work so please help me do that and I hope you enjoy this episode. [00:03:31] Speaker B: Welcome back to Star Being Joseph Selby. Very excited to speak to you especially about your new book the Physics of Miraculous Healing. How emotion, mind and spirit enable Unlimited self healing. I think this is you know with what I know about your work with the yoga, this is perfect timing for this book to come out. But I yeah I would love to know your motivation behind writing it at this point and yeah I just feel this book needs to go far and wide. [00:04:13] Speaker C: Well, thank you for that. In my goal, my aim, my mission really in writing it was to give people a scientific foundation for why emotions and beliefs and connecting to spirit do actually deeply and strongly affect your physical body. Those three things, beliefs, emotions, connection to spirit, can seem, you know, distant or intangible or ephemeral. And that way of viewing them really doesn't explain how they could have as much or in fact a lot more impact than a pill or surgery or any of the other healing modalities that people use to maintain their health. So I think once people understand from a scientific perspective, from the perspective of physics, how it's possible that they would be so powerful, it really makes people pay a lot more attention to those really, really essential parts of self healing. [00:05:49] Speaker B: Yes. And I feel this is what this book really does, Joseph. You go into the science, you go into some studies, some research, but then you also overlay like your, you know, your other previous work as well does the spiritual side of things. And I think so much of what is in this book echoes a lot of Ayurvedic concepts and also what science is now just catching up with in terms of spiritual. When I was reading this, I kept thinking about my Ayurvedic teacher. And it was in the last year of study. And at this point we were so attuned to the power of Ayurveda, Indian medicine, the. And what it could do for the physical body. But she said to us, if someone comes to you and they don't believe that this healing modality can work for them and they would prefer to go in a western method, she said they are better off going in that direction than being treated is as an alternative method. And that blew my mind. But this is exactly what your work is referencing, that these beliefs that we have actually matter. And this is what, you know, this ancient science is really saying as well. [00:07:32] Speaker A: And so I love to know a. [00:07:34] Speaker B: Little bit more about the emotions, the physical body and just how strong those beliefs are because like I mentioned with this science now the psychologists are only just grasping this concept of that trauma when you are younger can really impact the physical body as well. So I think tying that into beliefs and emotions is, yeah, incredible that you've been able to, to link this all in your work. [00:08:04] Speaker C: Well, let me start with an amazing story which you'll recognize as you've been reading the book, but for your listeners it might kind of get their attention. It's a story about a man, Mr. Wright, who was in the hospital in the 60s, I believe it was 60s or 70s with lymphoma. So his lungs were filled with fluid. He had tumors, visible tumors on his chest. He needed a oxygen input in order to survive. He was weak, gasping for breath. And his doctor and he both believed that absent anything else happening, he was going to die in just a matter of weeks. But he read an article while he was in the hospital that told him a chemotherapy treatment was going to be trialed in the very hospital that he was called. The drug being trialed was called crebiozin, and it was for lymphoma. So he was very excited by this, had an enormous faith in the power of medicine to heal. So he begged his doctor, Dr. West, to include him in the trial because he wanted to be able to get in early with his treatment because he didn't have much time. Well, Dr. West was reluctant actually to bring him into the trial because in a nutshell, he was too far gone. The people they were trying to help were in earlier stages of lymphoma, but he was so insistent that Dr. West finally decided that he'd go ahead and give him a dose of the drug along with the other people being trialed. So On a Friday, Dr. West injected him with crebizin. And when he came back on Monday, Mr. Wright was up, energetic, clear eyed. All the visible tumors disappeared. He had no fluid in his lungs. And two days later, he felt so good that he checked himself out of the hospital, flew himself home in his own plane, and as far as Dr. West was concerned, he was gone. But Dr. West was really puzzled by this, in no small matter, because none of the other patients who had received the drug had any benefit, but he just chalked it up to the, you know, the unknowns of medicine. About A month later, Mr. Wright read another article about Krebiozin. And that article said that krebizin was proving ineffective for lymphoma. And this threw Mr. Wright into a depression. And within days he was back in the hospital with the same conditions. Lungs filled with fluid, visible tumors on his chest, gasping for breath and at death's door. So this completely fascinated Dr. West, who decided to try something with Mr. Wright that today would probably be considered unethical, which is, he told him, yes, while it is true that krebiozin, as you took it, is proving to be unreliable. There is a new and improved creviocin and it's coming to this hospital in a few days and I'll be able to treat you with it. And Mr. Wright got, once again, very positive, enthusiastic about It. But in fact, there was no new and improved crevisen. And Dr. West solemnly injected him with a saline solution. But the same thing happened. Even with a placebo, Mr. Wright became energetic. Fluids drained out of his lungs. He lost all the tumors and once again checked out of the hospital and went home. But there's a cautionary note to this story because he yet again read another article that said crebiozin has proven to be utterly ineffective. And the same thing happened. He went back into the hospital, but this time, in just a matter of a couple of days, he died. So this yo yoing up and down was really an extremely clear case of what he expected to happen, what he believed could happen. He believed that a chemotherapy drug could cure him. And so when he was given one, he cured himself. And then when he was told that it wasn't effective and hadn't really cured him, he relapsed and he relapsed a second time and then died. Because at that point he did not see that there was any other drug that could heal him. So this is both a strong example of how powerful our beliefs are, but it's also cautionary because he believed in the wrong thing. He believed in the power of drugs alone rather than in his own ability to heal. But the extraordinarily rapid healing that he went through because of his beliefs is currently considered basically impossible by modern medicine. It just happened too fast. But our beliefs are not limited by the same laws that modern medicine works with. [00:14:52] Speaker B: Yes. And this is why in Ayurveda, like our teacher was always very careful to say to us, when you're treating a client, never diagnose, never identify with a disease and never give time frames. And you mention this in your book as well, because then that is setting up that belief that I these are going to be my symptoms, this is going to be the trajectory, and this is why I struggle as well with conditions. And you mention in your book that are deemed by the Western medicine as incurable. And your work here, Joseph, really gives that hope and shines that light on another, another timeline, another opportunity of hope that it is possible you can take your power back and you can heal the body with, yeah, your soul power. And so I feel that this, the scientific cases that you have provided in this book are just so powerful in that way. [00:16:22] Speaker C: It's remarkable how many cases there are that go against the sort of accepted norms in Western medicine, both diseases considered incurable, people recovering from them, or in the cases of extraordinarily rapid healing, which is again, according To Western medicine. Basically impossible. Another story that I also share in the book is about a woman named Barbara Kumiski. And Barbara, at the age of 16, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. And multiple sclerosis in Western men. Medicine is considered to be a slow but inevitable terminal illness. And in the 15 years that she was fighting this illness, she almost died a couple of times. And at the age of 31, when this story is told, she was bedridden. She was a skeleton of her former self. Her hands were curled back in towards her forearms and she couldn't really use them, and her feet were curled up towards her shins. She needed oxygen to survive. She was incontinent. And anywhere she needed to go, she had to be in a wheelchair with oxygen and care. But she heard a voice one night in her room while visiting with friends. And the voice said, get up and walk. And she did. She stood up. And as she stood up, her body filled out, her hands straightened out, her feet straightened out. She was able to walk unaided into the living room of her parents home. And she did a little ballet move that she hadn't done since she was 16. This happened in minutes in front of witnesses and was confirmed by a doctor the next day who had known her condition all this time. So there was really no question of a misdiagnosis. She clearly had Ms. With all its accompanying symptoms. And he confirmed the next day that there were no symptoms of Ms. Anywhere in her body. So this is a confirmed example of not only healing from what's considered to be a terminal illness, but healing extraordinarily rapidly. Now, there's a deeper level to this story which is really important, I think, for people to understand, is that her family and she were devout Christians and that because she couldn't really do anything to help people or serve people, she found her way to praying for people. And not just a little bit. She prayed for people for hours a day. Hundreds of people she prayed for. And she said that before this miraculous healing that because of her prayer life, she felt like she was a contributing member of the human family and that while she couldn't contribute using her body and her hands and her legs, she could contribute in a meaningful way through prayer. And she felt whole and at peace with her condition and felt a deep connection to spirit through those prayers. And it's really to that that she attributes this healing. And as she put it, I may not have deserved a healing like that, but nor did I deserve the illness. It's not a question of deserving it. It's tuning into your inner power, your inner connection to spirit and being at peace, being her emotions were uplifted, her beliefs were unlimited, and her connection to spirit was deep. And she experienced this healing. Now, it's rare, it's extraordinarily rare, that story. But again, another example of the fact that there is solid clinical evidence that these things can happen. But it also points to the deeper soul powers that we all are using. I think that is the most important thing for all of us to understand, is that the state of your body now, whether it's healthy or unhealthy, is 90% the result of your emotional life, your beliefs, and whether or not you're making that connection to spirit through your own soul nature. And only maybe 10 or 20% a result of the food you eat, exercise you have, pills you're taking. These other aspects of our innate nature are really what's driving our health. So when we're healthy, it's typically because our emotions are healthy and our beliefs are positive. And we. We have a. A feeling of connection to the world, if not specifically to spirit or God. We. We feel connected to others. We feel a part of a. A world in which we're happy to be in. You put all those together, and most people who have all those are healthy. Bernie Siegel, who wrote Love, Medicine and Miracles, said, the simple truth is happy people don't get sick. So recognizing that is the starting point for us to maintain positive health or improve our health, or if we're already ill, to recover from that, including conditions that are considered terminal. I tell a few stories from the lives of men and women who were diagnosed with terminal cancer, but who sort of broke away from the mindset of the doctors who were treating them and took charge of their own health, went to work on themselves, and they said it was by no means easy. They had to really accept that their own emotions could be killing them, and they needed to own them and find out how to work with them. And they had to work with their own beliefs. And they especially needed to make a connection to spirit. But when they are able to put all these together, they either extended their lives in a very positive way rather than eking out a few more months undergoing harder and harder radiation or chemo treatments. They lived positive, normal lives for many, many years longer than their diagnosis was for. And in a remarkable number of cases, they overcame that. Terminal cancer. There are many types of cancers. Obviously you know this, but not all of them are considered terminal. So the ones that are considered terminal are the more astonishing to Be overcome from the medical point of view by your own soul powers rather than some kind of treatment. [00:25:18] Speaker B: Yes, I. That is the most impactful part is that self responsibility, Joseph, which can be equally empowering and equally terrifying. [00:25:39] Speaker C: Yes. [00:25:40] Speaker B: That, you know, when you. Especially when you come on the spiritual path and you realize that, yeah, you're responsible for all of it. Everything that is. Is happening in. In your reality. And you speak in your book about the emotions. And the bit that sticks in my mind is how you said that happy people, you know, Dr. Seagal said that they don't get sick, but you mentioned that positive emotions are creating a higher life force within us. And so really cultivating those emotions. And, you know, a lot of psychologists now are saying, you know, there's a certain emotion that's connected to different types of cancers or different locations on the body. [00:26:44] Speaker C: Right. [00:26:45] Speaker B: And I. My mom passed away from bowel cancer. And during her journey, there was so many emotional layers and so many opportunities within that diagnosis for her to live her life. And it was almost like a. An opportunity to connect deeper with her soul during that process. And that is exactly what she did. So if you have that awareness and like you said, working on those emotions and doing that work, that is incredibly powerful. And with that we. Yeah, we have this opportunity to explore those emotions and we don't have to. Yeah. Think that that is not achievable. Like, we can go and do that deeper work. And so I'm really glad that you're. This work is out there because this is something that isn't spoken about enough. And so I would love to just put this book in all the healing centers so people have this opportunity to know that the diagnosis isn't the end of the story necessarily. Like there is that hope, that opportunity, that it can be an invitation. An invitation for to then connect to. Deeper, to your spirit and. Yeah, have that. Have that opportunity. [00:28:41] Speaker C: Yes. And to work on the beliefs as well. And in some ways, the physics of miraculous healing that I describe is really more to help people with believing that it's possible. I also offer various methods for working with emotions, but as you no doubt know, and most people know, there are hundreds of books, hundreds of approaches to working with emotions, to improving your emotional health. And I can by no means cover that ground in a few chapters of one book, so. But I didn't want to leave people with nothing to. To kind of work with if the subject was new to them. But it is important that people know they're. You're not stuck with your emotions. You're not. This is not a life sentence that you're the kind of person that is, you know, fill in the blank. Depressed or grieving or not feeling safe or always sad. Those can change if you, you know, decide to take charge and change them. But the belief side is trickier because beliefs are less accessible to us. We feel emotions so we, we have an experience. We know that, oh, I was feeling angry or I was, I was sad or I was down in the dumps over that. We, we have a day to day emotional experience that gives credibility to the idea that we have emotions. Right? But with our beliefs it's trickier because we don't have that sort of experience of them in an obvious way. So what I tried to do at the beginning of the book was walk people through the beliefs they're likely to have about health and healing based on current Western medicines model and then show how really out of date western medicines science is. I mean, it's literally 100, even 120 years out of date. Which sounds preposterous when you consider how much of medicine is considered to be cutting edge, right? You can always see these videos of people in white coats with all this fancy equipment and you know, they're forging their way to cure cancer, etc. Etc. But they're doing it within the model of what's known as classical physics. And the model of classical physics is that matter is an immutable substance and then there are various energies that can influence matter that can therefore then explain many, many things in our world, like how the weather works, how buildings are built, you know, material science, etc. This is all classical physics. It's based on this notion that matter is unchangeable. And if you accept that matter is unchangeable and you accept this model, the stories I just told will be making you think, well, that's just weird. It can't be possible. There must have been a misdiagnosis, there must have been even fraud or that Mr. Selby is just making it up. So that's because you sort of can't have both. You can't have this belief in it, immutability of matter and belief that you can have trillions of cells in a human body change within minutes. But the more modern disciplines of physics actually support rapid change, much more so than does modern medicine and classical physics. So you start off with Einstein's relativity, which was 1905 or 1904. He wrote his first paper that, you know, made, made him famous, which was the special theory of relativity. And from that we get his famous equation E equals MC squared. But underlying that sort of mathematical side of physics was the profound truth that there is no such thing as matter. Matter is energy moving in stable patterns. And no matter how much linear accelerators or the Large Hadron Collider in CERN in Switzerland smash things into each other, smash protons into each other, they've never found a indivisibly tiny bit of matter doesn't exist. It's always energy. So that gives us our first clue that if there is no such thing as matter and that we're really made of energy, maybe there's something, maybe there's other laws at work that can allow for the energy to change and therefore the expression of matter to change. So that's just a first layer. Another layer that came about with quantum physics, which succeeded relativity, is that all matter in the body, in the world, in the universe, can, under different conditions, behave either as matter or behave as waves of energy. And this is where we get the notion of quantum weirdness, right? It's weird because we just don't expect it. It's counterintuitive to us to think that seemingly solid matter, even if it is energy in stable patterns, could change back and forth like Jekyll and Hyde and one moment be behaving as matter and another may moment be behaving as waves of energy. But that's what quantum physics discovered. And they discovered the observer paradox, which says that that energy in fact only behaves like matter when it's being observed or being measured. Which is further compounding, right, of, of our sort of intuitive grasp, our, our sensory grasp of the world around us. And then deeper study in physics revealed that when it, that energy does behave as waves of energy, it's actually not even in the physical universe, it's in what's called non locality, it's in a two dimensional realm of pure energy. And then when the observation takes place, it emerges, if you will, from that space and forms three dimensional matter in our known universe. The last piece of it, and I know I'm covering a lot of ground here fast, but all of these are critical, I think, to allow people to believe that rapid change is possible. So the last piece is that M theory, which is sort of the frontier discipline of physics these days, there are others, but M theory is perhaps the most accepted. In M theory they posit that there is a holographic relationship that goes on between this non local pure energy and our local time, space and matter universe. And that the, the hologram for the Holographic projection, that is the physical universe resides in non locality and that without non locality and without that information, without that film or that template that is that hologram, the physical, physical universe couldn't exist with it. It's continuously created. The entire physical universe is continuously created from this other realm. This is very different one from what most people visualize when they think about how the universe was created and that, that it was a Big Bang. And once the Big Bang was finished, gradually the universe evolved. But in that view, in that model of the physical reality that is the physical universe, the matter is always there. Ever since the Big Bang, it just is. But in M theory, the matter is being continuously created from this template. So this really flips our whole conception of the underpinnings of reality completely around. And this opens the door for us to embrace the really fundamental tenants of experiential spirituality. The many, many traditions, from, from yoga to Sufism to Taoism to different kinds of more prayer centered, meditation, centered Christian teachings, pretty much all of them offer a model of reality that says for us personally we have a subtle energy body that resides in the astral regions or in the heavens. And that that subtle energy body gives rise to our physical body. And that those two, the energy body and the physical body are inextricably linked, that any change that takes place in the energy body is reflected immediately in the physical body. So this is a perfect congruence, perfect echo of M theory's notion that we have a hologram that is our body, our energy body, that is constantly holographically projecting our physical body. And when you appreciate this link between non local, two dimensional, spaceless, timeless, pure energy realm and your energy body there, what you can begin to appreciate and understand is again, millennial teachings of spirituality that as above, so below, that everything that is in a higher dimension is manifesting what it can in the lower dimension. And for us personally it means, however we change our energy body, that change in the energy body will be immediately reflected in the change of the physical body. And this I think gives us a framework, a model in which we can appreciate that if you have a strong negative emotion just reverberating through your body from something that just happened to you, that reverberation is going to be reflected in your physical body. Now if you immediately fall back into a more habitual, even keel, so will your physical body. But if you're harboring long term negative emotions, sadness, grief, despair, they will be shaping your energy body continuously. And your energy body will be reflecting that in the physical body. Now, you might not see it because most of what we are is not the surface, right? Most of what our physical bodies are composed of doesn't show to us with what our senses can reveal. But when X rays are taken or fmris are done, or many radiological techniques, what begins to be revealed is that you have problems with your liver, you have incipient kidney failure, you have real problems that because you hadn't seen them, you didn't necessarily notice. But because you harboring these negative emotions for, you know, years to decades, you are gradually creating a less and less healthy body until it becomes critical and that body can't function. So I think it's much easier to believe the power of emotion when you understand this connection that again, is supported by modern physics as well as ancient spiritual teachings. And I think it makes most of us pay a lot more attention to our emotions because they are a great determinant of our health. But our beliefs go even farther, as you no doubt appreciated when I told the story about Mr. Wright, that even if your emotions are positive, which is weren't necessarily, but even if they were, but you had a deep conviction that because your father had cancer or your mother had cancer, or your grandfather had cancer, that one day you would get cancer, you're likely to get cancer. So your beliefs have a more immediate kind of power to shape that energy body even than to do your emotions. So shifting your beliefs is a little more challenging to do than working with your emotions. And working with your emotions is challenging enough. But I think where you have the best results for changing your beliefs is by embracing experiential spiritual techniques, principle of which is meditation. It's meditation begins with calming you and it feels good and you like it. But if you go deeper and deeper, what meditation does is it reveals to you experientially that you're much more than you thought you were. It reveals to you experientially that there's a whole world of joy and love and energy right within yourself that you can tap into more and more and more deeply. And I think this fundamentally shifts your beliefs away from you being this material thing that can get this outside disease over which you have no control. And it's just a matter of genetics or exposure to carcinogens or other things like that, and that you're just a helpless victim of it. Instead, you can see, oh, you know, I can choose not to believe in the power of cancer. Not just like a, okay, today I don't believe in it, but deeply. You can know that there is no such thing as cancer. You can feel it in your bones, so to speak, because you've experienced this deeper reality that is the, is the higher self. And of course there's reading, you know, read the stories that people share about near death experiencers, read about the lives of saints and sages, read spiritual teachings and what you'll become. More and more, I believe it was certainly true for me. More and more convinced of is this subtle reality is there. I mean, at my point in my life, I've been meditating for 50 years and reading and teaching these kind of teachings. There's just no question that there's more to me than just a physical body. I have no question that when I die I'm going to come into a higher energy realm. I don't fear death at all. And I believe that these kind of healing miracles could happen, you know, were I to, to need one. Because I think they are well within the realm of possibility. In fact happened to many thousands of people in the world. [00:48:34] Speaker B: Thank you Joseph, so much. To unpack there, I wanted to go back to your talking about the holographic universe because this is the mind bending part of this, because it is a concept that is starting to come out. But I feel that it's very new, like a new concept for a lot of people. So I'd love to unpack it a little bit further. So when you speak of the local reality you're talking about, for I'm using air quotations here, our physical reality, what we're in right now, what we're interacting in, and then the non local reality is maybe in my terms, what I would describe as a reality that is the divine source of what our universe is being holographically derived from. So that that non local is projecting our reality, physical reality that we're in right now. Have I got that correct? [00:50:13] Speaker C: You do, yes. [00:50:14] Speaker B: Okay. And so in this concept it makes me think about that saying of if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to observe it or see it, did it really, you know, fall? And then in this theory, if there is no observer there, and I'm sure our listeners might be aware of the slit experiment that you mentioned about how the energy changes when there is an observer present. So in this case of the tree falling, if there was no one, no intelligent observer there to witness that, then the answer would be that no. Is that correct? [00:51:15] Speaker C: Yes and no. Which is part of the quantum weirdness, part of the sort of counterintuitive aspects of what they're Discovering it's no. There would. There would be no falling tree. There would be no sound made by the falling tree if no one were there to observe it. But the answer is yes. If you think of that tree falling as being part of a hologram movie that is running in non locality. And the reason why that's a good way to think about it is that the next time someone is walking in that forest, they will see that a tree had fallen. So that projection included the tree falling and the fallen tree. But if there's no one there to observe it, it doesn't physically manifest as it fell, but it is a part of the movie. This is perhaps more difficult to understand than anything that we've talked about. And this is where I always need to bring in the notion of the. The divine director spirit or an infinitely intelligent being, an infinitely intelligent God that is creating the movie. This is fundamental to almost every religion that the. What we experience, both through the senses and what we experience internally of some sort of deeper reality is all the created cosmos of divinity. And it's intelligently created, it's intelligently ordered. And this entire movie of creation is springing from the infinite intelligence of the Creator, the infinite intelligence of spirit. And that we share in that intelligence. It's where we get our intelligence. And in fact, as we become more realized, more aware of our soul nature, we often also become more intelligent, we also become more loving, we also become more energetic. It's not the only aspect of divine communion, the only result of divine communion, but it is one of them. Because in a way, it's not so much that we're experiencing something that isn't us, it's just that we're waking up to what we are already in. The Indian teachings, they define spirit. They define the infinite as infinite being, infinite awareness and infinite joy. That, that is the essence of spirit. And therefore that's our essence. We are and always will exist. We are aware and we always will be aware. And we will become more and more and more aware of the cosmos and of our own nature. And we are eternally, deeply, ever newly joyful. Because that is who and what we really are. We're so much more than we know now. We're just, we're just getting started. If you believe in reincarnation, you know that this earth experience, this physical experience we're in is considered to be like a school where we reincarnate. And maybe we graduated from first grade last time and now we're in second grade and someday we'll graduate from second grade. And so on and so on until we graduate entirely from this earthly experience. Essentially when we can see through it, when we can see it for what it really is, which is, you know, we can see the divine projector, we can see the mechanism of creation, we can see ourselves as an energy body and we can see ourselves as a physical body. And we gain control over the physical body to the extent that we can go way deep in meditation, go into breathlessness, heart rate stops. These are the feats of advanced sages, yogis, adepts, that indicates that they're, they're almost ready to graduate completely from this world. But then you grad, then you begin to live in more subtle realms in which you continue to grow until you become one with everything. [00:56:41] Speaker B: Yes. And this makes me come back to your thought of in death. And you describe in your book as the death process being just a change in frequency. And so this idea that this reality as a hologram of that divine projection that you mentioned and that there is this, which a lot of the different spiritual teachings allude to is the different levels of realities existing within this hologram. And that in that death process it is just that change in frequency. And you mention in your book that theory of the brain theory. And so in this thought process, if we're in this hologram and it's consistent of different layers of frequencies, could it be possible then that there is not just this one holographic reality that we're currently in, but there could be hundreds of different holographic realities in where we are different versions of ourselves or simultaneously existing at one time. Because I've been thinking about this theory of that quantum jumping and I know that's going to go down a whole very in depth line of thinking, but that's what I have thought. And this is what these concepts that you've brought to me have really opened up in my mind, that there is this unlimited possibility of. Yeah, realities. [00:58:51] Speaker C: Well, I think we, we identify with certain frequencies, we express certain frequencies emotionally, mentally and in our quality of life force and energy that we use, which includes emotions in a very significant way. So that when we die or have a near death experience, we're already vibrating at a, at a certain kind of level. And then we tend to go to what you might call like a harmonic of that. But in the two dimensional heavenly realms, the astral realm, so put it more simply is we're, we're drawn to a, a layer. And just to mention this real quickly, as an aside, you mentioned the brain theory, I just want to clarify for Your listeners that that's spelled B R A N E rather than brain, like what's in our, in our skull. And a brain is just a layer, it's a region. So the, the brain layer notion that comes to us from M theory is matched by the notion that we run into in many religious and spiritual teachings that there are many layers of heavens. Like The Buddhists have 25 layers, the Hindus have seven. But even with the seven, there could be layers within layers. So in other words, there are a lot of vibratory regions that we could be attracted to in this, what is often said, far more vast reality than the physical universe. And so whatever sort of vibratory signature, sort of like a tonic note of our, our being now, is what will draw us where we would go after death. Now, even after death, according to near death experiencers, you can decide for your own personal reasons, curiosity, sense of service, you can decide to travel into lower regions, lower vibratory regions of these heavens, but you can't just unilaterally decide you can travel up because you don't have the right vibration to allow you in. Some near death experiencers, recollections that I've read when they were getting the sort of a common theme of near death experiences is that they're given a kind of tour of the heavens if they make it that far. Not everybody makes it that far before they're drawn back to their physical body. But some of them, you know, are met by people they know who give them a tour, or they're met by angelic beings who give them a tour. And a few of them were really curious about what was higher, you know, what was beyond where they had landed, so to speak. And they were escorted to those higher realms by higher beings who kind of more or less surrounded them in their vibration because they said if you weren't protected, you would feel distinctly uncomfortable, that you would know this is, this is not for me, this is not, I'm not ready for this. Some descriptions of extremely high heavens, this may again seem somewhat counter, but I, I tend to believe it that the really high realms are the least like the physical world. And the realms that are, if you will, closer to the physical universe are more like the physical realm that we're used to. But then when you get up into the higher realms, there are experiences like it's infinitely cold, there's no heat and there's nothing to breathe, there's no energy to breathe. So you have to be able to be, you know, completely detached from your form. So the Cold doesn't bother you and you have to have achieved the ability to exist breathlessly, which again is one of those kind of graduation requirements for leaving the physical realms as well, to be able to go breathless. So there are gazillion places you can go. So think about just one brain, one layer. Let's say I'm fortunate enough to go to the first layer of heaven and then it looks very similar to this world. But it said that you can astrally travel to other astral planets that are completely different looking than the world we live in here and are aware of through our senses. So it's much vaster even in a single layer, let alone with all these layers. Sri Teshwar, who was Paramahansa Yogananda's teacher, said that the astral regions are thousands of times bigger than even our enormous physical universe. So there's a lot out there, a lot we can experience. But we're going to be drawn to what fits our awareness and consciousness and vibration that we achieve before we die. [01:05:40] Speaker B: Yes, and I think this opens up, well, at least for me, knowing, knowing these concepts and having that logical understanding, I guess, of them as well as having that spiritual understanding. You mention meditation and for me it's almost as though having this meditation practice to remember, remember that your spirit, because it is so easy just to get caught up in, you know, this physical reality. So coming back to that, we are connected. What it opens up for me is knowing this logically, that you know, where this hologram and this projection and. [01:06:43] Speaker A: How. [01:06:44] Speaker B: Can we use this information to progress on our soul evolution path? Is it like you mentioned, just having that awareness, having that understanding that we are in this reality but there is something bigger. So we see, you know, the film and we see the director. Is that part of the power of understanding these concepts to be able to see through the Maya, see through the Matrix for what it is? [01:07:28] Speaker C: I think understanding it opens the door for us to try to shift our awareness to it. A lot of these things are confounding, but they're also instructive. We already are what we ultimately will experience. We are infinite souls, full of infinite joy, wisdom, love, infinite being, infinite awareness. We already are all that. But we have kind of gotten amnesia, spiritual amnesia. And so our awareness, which is under our direction, we've focused it on what we can most readily perceive through the physical body. But we're, we're never that. We're not the physical body and in fact we're not really even the energy body. These are just outer coverings of what is essentially a formless nature. So the process of reclaiming our divinity is the process of being able to control and overcome each one of these bodies. So we need to be able to control and use our body. A, a master gets to be called a master. Not because they are our master and we're, you know, subject to them. They're masters because they've mastered their body. They can do anything with it. A spiritual master can vanish, spiritual master can bilocate. A spiritual master can visit consciously the astral regions or even be in both places at the same time with equal awareness because they've mastered that process of breathlessness and overcoming the limitations of the physical body. So it's easy to say, well, we're going to be different, but we're not really. We're just going to realize what we already are. That's why Yogananda called it self realization. It's the process of realizing who and what we really are through the art of meditation and pranayama. He taught Kriya Yoga and its sole purpose is to help us shift our awareness and re identify with more expanded, more elevated aspects of who and what we are. They're already us, but we're just not paying attention to them. We're paying attention to something else. We're giving the lion's share of our attention to these physical bodies to the extent where the vast majority of people, when they say I'm such and such, will often point to their body. I'm this way, I'm that way. You know that their, their identity with their body is almost 100%. It's not that they ever are their body, it's when they die, they live on. But it's easy, particularly in our society, our time, our cultures, for people to think this is it, this is the body. To the extent that most people think if the body dies, they die. But when the body comes to its end, so do they. But that's fundamentally not what spiritual teachings tell us is that this word temporarily using this particular physical body, but when it dies, much of what much of what we think is contained in the physical body we realize was never a part of the physical body. Our emotions aren't part of the physical body, our thoughts aren't part of the physical body, our memories aren't part of the physical body. And when we die, we have all those near death experiencers. Say often it took me a while to realize that I was dead because when I looked at my form, it was familiar. They didn't appreciate yet that this was a light body rather than a physical body. But they were also thinking about it in the same way that you think about things when you're fully in your physical body. And they were feeling the same way, and they had thoughts in the same way. They had memories of that life. So those things come with us because they were never here. They were never a part of the physical universe. They were always a part of our subtle energy body. But our subtle energy body and our physical body are like that. They're inextricable. So much of what we experience, which we tend to think can only be through the physical body and of the physical world is really not much of what we experience is subtle, astral, energetic. [01:13:44] Speaker B: Yes. And so this is. When you speak about meditating, it's almost as though you're going back to that divine source. So then you can reintegrate the. I don't. I don't want to say pristine holograph, but almost connecting to the. That whole energy. The whole energy that is that. I guess that. Could you say the higher vibrational self that you're connecting to, that we can bring in this reality. [01:14:28] Speaker C: Yeah. So you're. So your energy body is a purer, more expansive, bigger, if you want to think of it in those terms, finer instrument through which you can experience. And it affords you a. An experiential perception of part of what makes you much more than you know. But even that is just one step closer to becoming infinite, becoming bodiless, becoming formless, becoming pure thought, energy, love, joy. And that. That is ultimately our. Our highest nature. [01:15:27] Speaker B: Thank you, Joseph. [01:15:28] Speaker A: And I was just. [01:15:30] Speaker B: Yeah, this is such an expansive conversation and just how you talk about these beliefs that. And a lot of the religious teachings. And I was exposed to this when I was younger that, you know, in. In death, that's it. That's. You go back to the. You go back to the earth and that is it. And I always tried, when I was younger, I tried to think about thinking about what not thinking about anything would be like. And it just blows your brain. And then obviously, as I grew up, I just became so fascinated by this concept and it led me more down a spiritual path and then really resonating and connecting to these teachings of. Because I always felt that as a child, but in some of these religious teachings, you know, you're. You're told how you should think. And so it was really counterintuitive to what I knew within my soul, that I was eternal. So, yeah, I think that is such a beautiful concept to think about. And I have never thought about our emotions and our thoughts actually being connected to that more of that non local reality as well. So yeah, that feels really, feels really liberating. [01:17:02] Speaker C: Well, we're, we're multi dimensional beings if you want to think of it that way. We exist simultaneously in the physical realm and in the astral realm. In a very real sense, we're already there. We don't go anywhere when we die. We just start perceiving ourselves at a higher frequency level. And if you aren't dying, if you will, but can perceive yourself at a higher frequency level already, then it allows you to do things like astral travel. It allows you to directly perceive your energy body and perhaps work with it in ways that are not kind of once removed. You know, trying to work through the physical body in order to work on the energy body. So it's always there for us. Without it we die. I mean, without it we would disappear. There would be nothing to hold together this astral projection, which is our physical body. But it's an astral projection that's made of energies. Right. It doesn't have any enduring reality. If the astral projection projection doesn't organize the energies in that form, then there would be no form. [01:18:31] Speaker B: Yes. And this makes me think about those subtle energy modalities that can be so powerful because they're working on that subtle energy field. Like I think of flower essences and I think of things like even acupuncture and things like this that is clearing potentially some of the subtle energy field before. I guess this is how I think about it in my mind before something becomes more physical in the body, if we can clear it from that. A subtle level. Yeah, that's, that's how I think. Yeah. [01:19:21] Speaker C: A lot of psychic healers talk about, you know, having the ability to essentially see a person's energy body and they see it kind of within and beyond the physical body and they see patterns of energy and they have come to be able to know which ones are negative. They're typically darker or muddier energies or light. They'll talk about rips and tears in the energy body and they can work as guides who are diagnosing issues that people have. You know, I see this muddy part in your heart chakra. You're probably dealing with grief or you're probably dealing with this. But you should work on it because if you don't, could turn into heart problems. Others can actually influence the energies in your energy body, which sounds like they could heal you. But the key to remember is that it's your energy body. So if you go back to the negative emotion, if you go back to the issues that caused it in the first place, you're just going to recreate it so they can, I would say, temporarily alleviate that for you. And if you're, you know, grateful and if it's, you have the awareness to do so, you can choose not to return to the negative patterns that had caused it in the first place. But that's your choice. And the healer, you know, is able often to do remarkably positive things for you. But you have to keep them going and you have to understand them, I think, to keep them going. And if you have just a temporary abeyance of negative emotions, it gives you a respite to, you know, seek more positive emotions. But if you don't, the tendencies, your habits of being will tend to reassert those negative patterns. [01:21:54] Speaker B: Yes. And I think that is so powerful. I remember many years ago I was seeing a incredible acupuncturist and I was in the thick of my corporate career at the time and I used to be going to her weekly and she stopped me and she said, tara, I can keep clearing the energetic field, but I'm just doing a quick fix. Until you change your life, until you change, you know, what your, what you're thinking exactly like you said, there is, there's going to be no change, no long term change. And so, yeah, I think that is really powerful that you mentioned this. [01:22:42] Speaker C: And we can do so much. I mean we, we can deliberately develop positive emotion. It's within our abilities. We don't have to look for conditions outside ourselves to which we can respond positively. We don't need, I mean in a simple example, but a profound one, an important one, not necessarily an easy one. But if we can learn to love, we don't need to be loved to be whole. And if we can learn to dive into spirit and just become joy, become immersed in joy. We don't need outward things to make us happy. So it's the ball is in our court and we have every ability. We need to do these things, but we, we simply need to do them. You know, we often need to not so much change our whole life because I think one of the concerns people have is, well, I believe what you're saying about my emotions, I believe what you're saying about my beliefs, etc. But I like my life. I don't want to have to radically change it or, you know, abandoned my family or anything. And it's really a misunderstanding of what interchange is Interchange is really about how you experience your life, not your life itself. So the real change is finding peace and calmness through meditation or other practices, through prayer, through connecting to spirit, through getting more energy, getting more energized. Yogananda says, that said, that joy and energy go hand in hand, that the more energy is flowing through us, the more joyful we will feel. All of these things, if they happen within a life that doesn't change at all outwardly, will be for us a profoundly different experience. Now, your life may well change and you may welcome that change, but that's not what it's about. It's really getting away from thinking you have to change what's outside yourself in order to find happiness or in order to experience love or in order to feel joy. You don't. It's the habit of expecting it to come from outside that is really, to a large degree, preventing you from experiencing it. Because no one's outer life is perfectly able to make them happy. Right. Something always comes up or you get bored with things or the person that you loved stops loving you or whatever it is you. You can't ex. You can't rationally reasonably expect that the life you've created around you. And it's not to say you shouldn't try to create the best life around you that you can, but to expect that it's always going to go well, is going to cause you to kind of go up and down with it rather than being able to stay comfortably centered in peace and happiness, regardless of what's going on outside yourself. And that too, that is accessible to everyone. [01:26:54] Speaker B: Yes. Thank you, Joseph. [01:26:56] Speaker A: That is exactly where I am on. [01:26:57] Speaker B: My path at the moment. Really. Yeah. Focusing on that. That inner world and having that stability. Yeah. Is something that I'm really, really, really focusing on in my journey right now. So thank you. [01:27:19] Speaker C: That's why I think that, you know, in the Christian teachings we have the dictum, it's better to give than to receive. A lot of people take that as kind of, well, I've got it. I've got to suffer. I've got to just give everything I have to other people to help them. But really what it is is that if you give love, you get love. Yeah. If you help people experience happiness and joy, you feel happiness and joy. The payoff of giving rather than waiting to receive is that you always have what you want. You always have abundance. So it's far better to give than receive because you're essentially taking control. [01:28:03] Speaker B: Yes. [01:28:04] Speaker C: Of life rather than waiting passively. [01:28:10] Speaker B: Thank you so much, Joseph. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your wisdom. Thank you for this incredible book. I am selfishly manifesting that you come to a strong Australia. So I'm putting that. [01:28:26] Speaker C: Keep it up. I'm willing to be swept there on your, on your magnetism and. [01:28:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:28:34] Speaker B: Is there anything that you would like to leave with the listeners? Anything that you feel we should have covered that we didn't? Yeah, I just want to. I'll put the. In the show notes, this book and how to contact you, Joseph, but if there's anything else you would like to say. [01:28:57] Speaker C: We covered a lot of ground. Wonderful questions. I think obviously there's lots and lots more we could cover, but I feel like we got to some of the most important things for people to understand, both for their happiness and specifically for their health, that you, you can be in charge of your health and you can become healthy, even though the model of modern medicine would seem to be telling you that you can't, but trust that you can. No disease is incomparable. There's no limit on how quickly the body can change. The reason why it doesn't appear to change rapidly. Is it because our thoughts and feelings, our convictions don't change. Isn't it ironic you would think your thoughts and convictions would be the most changeable, but in fact those are in some ways the more difficult kind of girders of our being to change. There was a good friend of mine observed that, you know, it was, it was commonplace, still is fairly commonplace for people to, in, in discussing someone else to say, well, gosh, it just seems like it's all in their head, you know. In other words, they're unhappy, but doesn't seem like they ought to be happy. They're unhealthy, but doesn't really seem like they ought to be unhealthy. And so it's all in their head. And he said, well, yes, but that's the worst place for it to be. That's why we've got to take charge of this really. Is, is changing what has become habitual, changing it? Only if it's, if it's making on us unhealthy or unhappy. But if it is making us unhealthy or unhappy, then, you know, look at those, look at those habits of thinking, look at those habits of feeling and see what you can do. Dive into meditation, make that connection to spirit, make that connection to your higher self and let those changes happen. You may not see anything anywhere near as dramatic as Barbara Kamisky or Mr. Right. But you will see change, there's just no question. That is you improve your emotional health and you expand your beliefs and you connect more to spirit, the more your health and happiness will follow suit. [01:31:46] Speaker B: Thank you Joseph. Thank you. [01:31:52] Speaker C: Very welcome. Thanks for having me. [01:31:54] Speaker A: I hope that you have enjoyed this episode and it has inspired you to dive deeper into Joseph's work and I am currently running a competition on Instagram for your chance to win two of my favorite books of Joseph. Share the real on this episode and also subscribe to Starbing and send me the screenshot for your chance to win. Also wanted to let you know that I am currently booking in my North Star which is my exclusive for my current clients where we look at the upcoming year. What is being highlighted for you, how to work with the energy and this is just a really powerful way to direct and understand the year ahead. So I am currently taking bookings for this. If that is something that you would like to have access to in the future, the way you can do that is have a initial solution Soul Empowerment reading with me. I also have some spots available early next year for this and then deeper next year. I am taking on three new mentoring clients so that is something that I will be advertising first to my current clients and then opening up that to the wider audience. So please let me know if you have any questions. If you have any comments on this episode I would love to know and thank you for listening and I am sending you lots of love. [01:33:42] Speaker B: Thanks for tuning into Star Being. May the wisdom shared resonate in your soul. Until next time, stay connected and keep. [01:33:50] Speaker A: Reaching for the stars. [01:33:51] Speaker B: This is Star Being signing off.

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