ECLIPSES | Aligning with Cosmic Cycles

Episode 15 September 17, 2024 00:32:30
ECLIPSES | Aligning with Cosmic Cycles
ECLIPSES | Aligning with Cosmic Cycles

Sep 17 2024 | 00:32:30


Hosted By

Tarra Lee

Show Notes

Curious about how eclipses can impact your life?
In this episode, we delve into the powerful and transformative energy of eclipses from a Vedic astrology perspective. Eclipses are the universe's most dramatic tools for highlighting areas in need of change, bringing hidden truths to the surface, and guiding you back into alignment with your destiny.
During eclipse season, life can feel like it's in fast-forward mode, pushing you toward crucial decisions.
Explore how to harness this cosmic energy for personal growth, healing and spiritual evolution and what to try and avoid during this time.



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Speaker A: Hi, I'm Tara Lee, and welcome to starbing, your cosmic journey to self discovery, higher consciousness and spiritual exploration. This podcast serves as a guiding light illuminating the path to wisdom, healing and conscious living. Let star being ignite your inner light as we transcend limitations and tap into the universal consciousness that unites and empowers all of us. [00:00:27] Speaker B: Welcome to episode 15, eclipses aligning with cosmic cycles. So I am recording this the day before I release this to you. And I've been really giving the eclipses a lot of thought. And these particular series of eclipses with the north node, or in vedic astrology, what we call Rahu and the south node, which is Ketu, have been in Virgo and Pisces. And I am a Virgo rising. I also have my moon here, and my husband is a Pisces rising. And I have just noticed over these eclipse seasons, just big, big changes. And so if you have, if you know, if you have any planets or you're rising in these Virgo or Pisces placements, it's going to significantly impact you. And this is why the eclipses affect everyone differently. But I would have to say this is why I'm paying more attention than ever. And I just wanted to discuss what I do and share that and how I navigate it, because my friends will often ask me, because as a vedic astrologer, I take these eclipses very seriously. If you're in my world, you'll know that I purposely navigate, you know, not traveling during this time, trying not to make big decisions. I have like quite a big shift happening in my life at the moment, and I've managed to successfully rearrange that from happening until the start of October. And so where there is that flexibility, where there is the flow, that's why this year, when I released my, a vedic planner, it was important to me to do the twelve months ahead, because then you can plan and then you can understand. So I just know to really where I can use this time of eclipses, use the time in between eclipses to, as much as I can, reduce my workload and what events that I'm involved in. So that is just one thing that I do. So I want to talk about from a vedic astrology perspective, why eclipses are so powerful, what we can and with everything. It's why I have my shears cosmic membership, where I work one on one with my clients in helping them navigate where the new moon and the full moon is for them. Because having an understanding of what area of our life is going to be impacted so then we can make the most of it. And with everything, once we have that awareness, we don't feel so blindsided. And that's what I love about astrology. It really prepares us. And I've seen the analogy of, you know, astrological weather. It's like the weather forecasting, you know, you need to know if you need to take an umbrella. And so I like thinking about understanding the cosmic influence and, yeah, just being prepared in that regard. So nothing, I have to say, nothing really shocks me. And I know that there's deeper layers to this, but anxiety is something that I notice with a lot of clients. And, you know, that is thinking about the future and being concerned about it. And sometimes I think, I don't suffer from this. And I think, I wonder if that's because I just have this understanding of what is coming up. So I find this very grounding. So, in a vedic astrology, eclipses are considered these celestial events that really impact our life. And like I said, depending on if you have significant planets placed in these positions for us at the, at the moment, this one that is coming up is in the Rahu placement. So the north node in Pisces, but it's still on the axis. So it is influencing Pisces and Virgo. So eclipses are really these dramatic tools that the universe uses to get us to pay attention to areas of our life that, that need change. So eclipses can change and transform time. They can speed things up. So things that you thought were in the future, they can be right at your doorstep right now. And this is why it's important to understand this energy, so we can be ready for opportunities. And so eclipses bring things out of the dark. They bring things up to the surface. And so this can be certain truths, it can be revelations, it can be spiritual insights, especially in the position of Pisces, which is a very spirit zodiac sign. And so during eclipse season, we say that your individual journey intersects with the path of your destiny, because the north nodes, sorry, the lunar nodes, are to do with our karma and our soul's journey. So really, these eclipses are these tools or this cosmic energy that brings us back into alignment, alignment to your purpose. And you would have heard me talk about Saturn return and how, you know, when that happens in our life between the ages of 28 to 30, that anything in our life that hasn't been in alignment with who we truly are, this is when the foundation starts cracking and shaking. And this is why eclipses can be a really disruptive and sometimes chaotic time. Because if we have come out of alignment. Alignment to our soul's path. Out of alignment to our karmic, yeah, our karmic path. This is where that alignment happens. And this is what I will say to my good friends is really looking at eclipses in this active surrender. So I've noticed now over the years, navigating eclipses, really the best thing you can do is, yeah, have that act of surrender and trust and that the divine plan is really realigning you to where you need to be. And so with this eclipse energy, like I said, this can reveal hidden truths and it can really force you to make a decision or take action. So if there is something that you have been avoiding, this is kind of like the pressure cooker time. And so this is why these big changes. And once you become aware of this eclipse energy and understand that you will notice in your life, you know, these major events happening to everyone during the eclipse seasons and the eclipse time. So eclipses, like I've mentioned, they can speed up our sense of time. It can feel like things are on fast forward with eclipses. With this one in particular being in Rahu, it's something ends and something new begins. And so we really want to harness this transformational energy. We want to really see it as an opportunity for personal growth, healing, spiritual evolution. So, you know, and this is important because that's how I look at eclipses, because I think there can be this fearful aspect of the eclipses because it's uncertain. There's that level of uncertainty and we're talking about anxiety before and that can cause that. But if you have that deeper faith that you know, it's going to be in alignment to your soul path, even if it might be a little bit uncomfortable, it's good to keep in the back of your mind as you're going and you're navigating what you are. So during eclipses, this is when we can typically hear about maybe someone getting engaged or getting pregnant or there might be a breakthrough in career or a promotion or starting a business or important travel or, yes, selling or buying a house or moving into a new home. And yeah, these are kind of the big things and the big shifts. And then, of course, there's the more challenging aspects of that as well, related to health or relationship breakdowns, those types of things as well, because it can be endings, separations, career changes. You know, there is that energy there. And so the, that's why eclipses are sort of these triggers that can really lead to a turning point in your life. And so even if you're not affected. You know, your friends and your family might be. So having this extra layer of awareness is, is really helpful. So I also want to mention that the period between the two eclipses is considered really sensitive. So we have the lunar eclipse, which is connected to the full moon, and then we have the solar eclipse, which is connected to the new moon. And so between these two phases, which is generally lasting 15 days, this is where the eclipse energy still very active during this time. So we just need to be really mindful. And that's why I said in the beginning, I like to know when this period is, so I can really start tapering down my commitments where I can. And so this particular eclipse that we have is connected to a full moon. So it's known as a lunar eclipse. And when we're coming up to a full moon, this can bring an intense energy build up. And so when this is connected to the north node, or Rahu, this can be particularly intense. It can really start showing us illuminating what is not going right in our life, what needs to change. It can be quite emotional because of that intense buildup of the energy. And it can be sentimental as well, because things might be changing. The full moon, lunar eclipse can also really bring things like our fears to the surface, particularly this eclipse in Pisces and things from the depth of our subconscious rising to the surface. So these deep thoughts and feelings, you know, are going to be illuminated or might be illuminated at this time. So this eclipse, like I said, is taking place in the north node, or Rahu. And this is particularly to do with combinations. So creating openings for new possibilities. The north node brings opportunities, new beginnings. The north node is an adjustment to new circumstances. It's to step outside your comfort zone. It's really where anything can happen. So, yes, we've still got our free will. So this is important to take into consideration. It's also really important during this time that we're taking that conscious time to respond where we can rather than react. The north node is also representing our independence, our curiosity, our open mindedness. So when we go more into the energy of this particular full moon, it's connected to Pisces and the Nakshatra pruva badapara. And this brings a potent mix of spiritual transformation, emotional release. Pisces is a water sign ruled by Jupiter. And Jupiter governs intuition, spirituality. So during this time, you may feel this sensitivity, this desire to explore your inner world, to really pull towards that introspection, that deep healing. So with this eclipse energy, there is that, that emotional cleansing this spiritual alignment. I'll go into this a little bit further, but it's the perfect time to meditate and do any practices that are going to connect you to your inner wisdom. And that is also a really great way to remain grounded if this eclipse energy is feeling destabilizing or overwhelming to you. And like I said, that cosmic alignment is really calling for that surrender, that introspection, and that is how you're going to make the most of this energy, really doing that deep dive into that emotional healing. And so with this energy, this introspection, reflecting on maybe examining your motives, your desires, some fears may come up at this time. And I was listening to a beautiful spiritual lecture this morning with Asha Nayaswamy, who I have had on this podcast before. I highly recommend listening to her. She was speaking about fears and about death. And I feel this is quite potent because Pisces is the final zodiac sign. So there's a lot of, you know, energy around healing and release. And also the nakshatra, where this is placed in, is the to do with the funeral pyre as well. So there is this connection to death here and endings. And what she was saying in her lecture was that with these times of we might be facing a health challenge, a health crisis. And she was talking about this leader who ran retreats and for the terminally ill, and he would ask them, what is it that they need to really release in the fact of that they potentially won't have the ability to complete within their lifetime, that maybe it was cut short and really grieving that. But then he asked another question, that, what would you be? You know what the words were? What would you be okay on missing out on like that. You would have reprieve from that. There's something that you may be not looking forward to in your life, some kind of situation, some type of heaviness, whatever is that that you're like, oh, well, at least I won't have to deal with that. And that really got me thinking, because I believe in reincarnation. I have spoken about karma on this podcast many of times, and there is nothing that we can avoid, because wherever the soul finishes in this lifetime, we are picking it straight back up into the next lifetime, unless we have truly become enlightened and transcended and moved out of this karmic cycle. Yeah. That thought of. And so what this really gave to me this morning, Washington, because there was things that I was thinking about, yeah, I would be happy not to face that. And that just tells me that's where I need to put my focus. That's what I'm avoiding. So the future is now, and I need to confront that. So I just want to invite you to really think deeply on that as well. Because this introspection and this confronting of our fears, like our deep fears. And why I'm saying this is because Pisces is. And this placement is a very deep placement, and so this may be illuminated for you, these fears that are coming up, these things that you don't want to confront. Release. So, yeah, this was really helpful to me. So I wanted to share that with you. And I totally believe in the divine timing of it all. I actually tried to go back and listen to Ash's lecture, but I was listening to it on my phone, and I got a phone call, which I took, and then I couldn't find it. And it's like it disappeared, like it never existed. So I just wanted to share that with you. And then, in that same vein, facing those hidden fears, confronting any of your limiting beliefs, things that are holding you back, things that are holding you back from leaning into your higher self. And I think of your higher self as your soul version, your most highly elevated version of yourself. So you can have a different definition of that. But this is where it is really good to. Yeah, do this self work, do this personal growth. And in the vedic text that I have read there, there is some sentiment around any sort of spiritual practices that we're doing at the time of the eclipse are amplified tenfold. And that's why I'll go into some things that do's and don'ts of the eclipse. But this is why it is revered as a time where we don't sleep just because the energy is so potent to do these spiritual practices and to connect with the divine during this time. So, like I mentioned before about the. The heightened emotions that this eclipse can bring. And so having this awareness, trying to navigate our emotions, consciously, using them as a catalyst for positive change, so, again, we can respond and not react, not letting them overwhelm you. And, yeah, have this compassion as well. Pisces is a lot to do with compassion, compassion for others, compassion for the self. And the other reference that I saw just before recording this message was Shiva Rose, who I've also had as a guest on this podcast. She put a post up about the rose, and it made me think of this Pisces energy, because she was talking about the thorns of a rose. And from this vedic astrology perspective, the energy of Pisces, I really feel, can be likened to the rose, it's delicate, it's beautiful. It's really spiritually rich. And there is this, you know, the rose comes with its thorns for its own protection. And this is very much reflective of the Pisces energy, because Pisces is really able to feel the emotions and the intensity of others around them, which is a gift, but it also requires this establishment of boundaries. And so during this eclipse season, it is really going to be, yeah, a potent time to keep this in mind, because there is, you know, if there's any emotional overwhelm, having these boundaries in place. So I guess the thorns is the analogy to, you know, represent those necessary boundaries that really safeguard the sensitivity of Pisces energy. And so, you know, those boundaries can really serve to create a sacred and protective space, you know, for you to thrive. So setting the limits that you need and doing it, you know, so you can continue to express your love and your compassion while preserving your own energy. And so really embracing those thorns and allowing that, you know, that Pisces energy to have that grace. And, yeah, you know, the rose, I think I read once that the most beautiful roses are the ones with the most gnarly thorns because, yeah, they're protecting that beauty. And we can look at beauty in all the different layers, but I think when we look in that in a deeper way, it's. It's a really beautiful analogy. This is also, like I've mentioned, can be a time for change and new beginnings. So even that desire to initiate change and let go of things that are no longer serving you. And it can be this process of purging, of rebirth. We've also got this equinox coming up, which is a time for renewal and rebirth. So it is such a powerful, powerful time. And the things that I would say to avoid, because I do yet ask this quite often from the vedic lens, the eclipse period is said to be not a good time or energy for initiating new projects. So things like signing contracts or making significant decisions or starting a new business. And it said to not do this because the energies of the eclipse are unstable, and actions that are taken during this time might not yield favorable outcomes. And obviously, use your discretion with this. It's also, in the vedic tradition, during the exact eclipse window. So depending where you are, to refrain from eating or drinking just in that time of eclipse. And it's normally, you know, from one to, you know, 4 hours. It's also, in the vedic text, recommended not to travel. And, you know, if it's unavoidable, you know, just taking those extra precautions, just not, you know, putting yourself in any dangerous situations that you don't, you know, need to. It's also recommended, obviously, to avoid negative thoughts and actions because this can be heightened during eclipse season. It can make us more impulsive and, you know, avoiding arguments, you know, as much as we can. We try and do that all the time, but particularly during eclipses because it can be such a volatile and other people are not going to have this level of awareness and how much these cosmic, our forces can influence, impact us. So it's also advised not to look at the eclipse. Actually, yeah, I will always say this, to not look at the eclipse. And yeah, I recommend not where you can avoid being outside, you know, especially during the eclipse window and when you can. And sometimes this might not always be practical, but avoid sleeping during the eclipse. And like I said before, this is because this period is considered as one with heightened spiritual energy. And if you do need to sleep, just make sure you have your windows and blinds drawn so you don't have any eclipse shadows on YouTube. And then what I also like to say, because I get asked this a lot, is don't charge your crystals during eclipses. And it's traditional to make ghee on a full moon unless it's an eclipse. So please don't make your ghee again. That energy, that's inauspicious, we don't want to be containing that within the ghee. So what this is a really good time for is introspection, meditation, cleaning the house, clearing the house, letting go of old baggage, quiet time, any other spiritual pursuits. So mantras, writing, exploring new ideas, new ways to express yourself. And I where you can like letting go of like those limiting beliefs, habits, any toxic patterns, this is the time to transform and realign to your true purpose. So really allowing yourself some space. And this is where the clarity comes when we give ourself that space. So really allowing yourself compassion during this time as well. And also with this particular Pisces for moon lunar eclipse, it can impact sleep. So even though you are getting the same amount of sleep, you may not be feeling rested. So. And this is, you know, influencing everyone around you as well. So have that in mind as well, that because it's connected to the dream state, giving yourself extra self care during this time is also really important. So I hope this episode has been helpful. I would love to know what you are experiencing and if you loved this episode, please let me me know. Please leave me a rating and a review that helps me so much and I'm excited for the upcoming episodes and incredible guests, and I will speak to you soon and I hope that you have such a potent transformational eclipse season. [00:32:14] Speaker A: Thanks for tuning into star being. May the wisdom shared resonate in your soul. Until next time, stay connected and keep reaching for the stars. This is starbeing signing off.

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