Coming Soon: StarBeing with Tarra Lee

December 14, 2023 00:01:08
Coming Soon: StarBeing with Tarra Lee
Coming Soon: StarBeing with Tarra Lee

Dec 14 2023 | 00:01:08


Hosted By

Tarra Lee

Show Notes

Discover your cosmic essence with StarBeing, a podcast guiding you on a journey of self discovery, higher consciousness and spiritual exploration.

In the vast cosmos of your inner self, this podcast serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path to wisdom, healing and conscious living — just like stars in the night sky.

Embark on a transformative journey that not only sparks curiosity but also dares to challenge your current beliefs, setting ablaze the flames of change and unveiling a path toward personal growth.

Welcome to a space where inspiration meets impact and your journey becomes a celestial masterpiece.

Tune in for the premiere episode on Thursday, December 21st.



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Welcome to star being, the podcast that explores the cosmic essence within you. I'm your host, Tara Lee. In this space, star being is an invitation to connect with your divine spark, to journey towards higher consciousness and your boundless potential. Like stars in the night sky, we are interconnected with the celestial realm, serving as guiding lights in the vast universe Earth. As we embark on this transformative journey through realms of wisdom, healing, beauty, and conscious living, star being serves as your guiding star, sparking curiosity, igniting change, and revealing the path of self discovery and spiritual exploration. Just as stars evolve, so does the essence of star being, signifying a connection between your personal spiritual evolution and the cosmic order, a reminder that you are on a path of continuous growth. Join me on this cosmic adventure where we transcend earthly limitations and tap into the universal consciousness that unites us all.

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